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XPlane: JRollon CRJ in 2018

Javier Rollon is working currently on the CRJ 200 V2 which is going to update the old CRJ which was already released for XPlane 9. We still checked if the current version is worth the money and if you should buy it. And YES it works perfectly fine with XPlane 11.


What is included ?


When you buy the CRJ 200 you obviously get the plane and 11 high definition liveries which include Lufthansa, Jazz Air Canada and Delta Connection. All the liveries look very good and the high detail of the liveries create a high level of immersion. However if you zoom close enough you see that the plane is already some years old and it is not as sharp as the for example the JARDesign A320 or the Zibo Boeing 737. Furthermore the plane features a custom FMS which works easy and fine.


How does it look like and feel ?


Honestly I really like the plane but the cockpit quality is really poor. The whole cockpit looks very washed out and the textures are really unsharp and in general just bad. Besides that the displays in the cockpit are nice and sharp and you can pop them out so you can see everything you need.

Furthermore the plane is NOT a study level plane and not all buttons are functional. To create more immersion Javier Rollon included a virtual pilot on the co pilot seat. Another feature a really enjoy is the modelled cabin and animated doors, this is a thing every enthusiast will love, however the textures are still not top notch.

The outside looks better, yet it is still not perfect. Due to the fact that you are never that close to the external model it looks really good and when you look at it from the distance it looks sharp and just stunning.
















How does it fly ?


The best thing about this aircraft might be the flight model. It offers a high learning curve, because it does not have all the assists an Airbus has. The plane cant land automatically and the ILS will help you to fly on the glideslope, for the touchdown you have to turn off the autopilot. Also the plane has not an auto throttle, so you are always in full control of the speed of the CRJ. Furthermore the level of immersion is amazing when you fly into crosswinds, the sounds are nothing special but you can extend them with an addon for around 20 Euros. I haven't had any problems or bugs with the CRJ 200 all systems worked well and without any flaws.




I really enjoy flying the CRJ 200 but it is hard for me to recommand it to everybody. It your focus is flying and a high level of immersion because of winds and hard landings you will love the plane but if you prefer a high detailed cockpit that plane is not the right choice for you.

                                                                                                                      Jan Birkner

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