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7 Facts about the new Mexico City Airport

1.The construction of the new International Airport of Mexico City will be a transexenal project, which will be carried out in stages and will take years to conclude it.

2.The facilities will be on the land owned by the federal government, in Lake Texcoco, which has an area of ​​12500 hectares, of which 4430 will be used.

3.In the first stage, a terminal, a control tower and infrastructure for two parallel runways of simultaneous operation with capacity close to 50 million passengers per year will be started.

4. Fernando Romero looked for the English architect Norman Foster to design the airport. The Mexican architect said he is proud of having won the project, which he described as unique in its design, with a sculpture that extends and flies, "it is beautiful and opens the way", "we have conceived a space whose structure will be linked to the essence of our past ", and affirmed that it will be the most sustainable and beautiful in the world.

5. The federal government contemplates that the construction will generate an economic spill, since there will be 160 thousand direct and indirect jobs.

6.President Enrique Peña affirmed that it is a self-financing project, so that it will pay for itself, which will allow it to be left to the State. The investment estimated at more than 120 billion pesos.

7.In the final phase, four additional runways will be built, in which some 120 million passengers will be moved per year.

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