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United in Talks with Boeing and Airbus for Possible Widebody Jet Order

American major, United Airlines, is in talks with aircraft manufacturers over a possible widebody aircraft purchase. The acquisition of the aircraft are to replace the carrier's 50 Boeing 767s.

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French aircraft manufacturer Airbus is expected to off its Airbus A330Neo, an aircraft that has failed, compared to its Airbus A350. Boeing is said to off the Boeing 787 a currently very successful twin engine jetliner. The deal is said to be worth about $14 billion at list prices, however it is likely that Airbus will try and offer a more competitive offer than Boeing. Hawaiian Airlines originally ordered the Airbus A330Neo, however, it later switched irs order to Boeing after it recieved a more compeitive offer. All of the three companies declined to commeny on the potential order.

(Photo from Airbus has constantly been struggling to attract new or existing customers to order their Airbus A330Neo. Many airlines are switching to the rival Boeing 787 dreamliner, leaving Airbus in a bad state. The Airbus A330-800Neo originally had Hawaiian as a customer, however it later transferred its orders to Boeing, leaving the A330-800 programme with no orders. Last month, American Airlines placed an order for 47 Boeing 787 dreamliners, again worsening the Airbus A330Neo programme. Even more terrifying for Airbus, the recent news by U.S President Donald Trump withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Iranair order for 28 A330Neos is now in Jeopardy. The Airbus Americas Chairman Jeff Knittel said,“This is a marathon, not a sprint,” he told Reuters. “We are talking to a number of people as potential customers. We think the airplane makes sense and we are optimistic”, he said, commenting on the A330Neo programme.

(Photo from It is likely, however, that United may order the Boeing 787 if Airbus does not offer a competitive deal. The carrier already has many Boeing 787s in its fleet and has a commitment for 14 more aircraft for delivery until 2027. Adding the Airbus A330Neo into its fleet would further increase staff training costs. However, the good side to the Airbus A330Neo, is that delivery may be significantly earlier than with the Boeing 787 thanks to a reduced number of orders from airlines, despite the fact that it will be released into service commencing this summer. The A330Neo is also similar to the Boeing 787, as it offers modern technology and improved comfort throughout. It is uncertain which aircraft United may choose and both manufacturers are eager to see. Although both manufacturers are fighting for orders, for the customer, competition for planes means more choice.

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