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Aeromexico will open school for aviator pilots

Aeroméxico will open school for aviator pilots

At the latest in August of this year, Aeromexico's training and training school, Aeromexico Formación, will open the Aviador Pilot race, with which it will seek to cover the demand for professionals that the sector will require in the following years.

Sources close to the project confirmed to A21 that the academic area of ​​the flagship airline of Mexico works on the development of the curriculum, the training activities; as well as the costs that the race will have.

The race for the formation of pilots will follow the academic rules established in the Part 141 standard, which require the approval of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA, for its acronym in English).

Under Part 141 model standards, aviation schools must submit their academic syllabuses, syllabus (a document that defines expectations and responsibilities) and curricula to the approval of the FAA, with the aim of creating training environments with a better structure. .

One of the characteristics that distinguish the Part 141 model is that pilots require fewer flight hours to obtain their certifications based on the requirements of the training curricula and the supervision of the US aeronautical authorities.

For example, a certificate for private pilot can be obtained with only 35 hours of flight and that of pilot for commercial flights can be completed with 190 hours of flight, under the Part 141 standards.

The pilot training course will last two years and will have high training standards, both on the ground and a flight, according to sources that are close to the project.

The pilot race will be added to those of Aircraft Maintenance, Aviation Surcharge and Operations Officer, with which Aeromexico will add four professional training aeronautical races.

In the implementation of the Pilot Aviator race, the airline will work in coordination with the Aviadores Pilots Trade Union Association (ASPA), although by the time it is defined, it is still unknown what role the union representation will play within Aeromexico. .

Unlike the courses that Aeromexico already offers for pilots, which are only open for their pilots or for the crews of companies, the training course for pilots will be open to the general public.

Aeromexico Training is directed by Ernesto Tapia García, who has 18 years of experience occupying positions of direction and rectory of higher education institutions.

According to forecasts made by the participants of the national aeronautical sector, in the next five years 50 thousand professionals will be needed to correct the demands of the growth that will be experienced in the medium term.

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