Information you should know about commercial aircraft
For many years, flying is considered the safest way to travel, although it is true that accidents are usually fatal, the percentage of deaths is still minimal compared to those that come with roads.
Then we tell you the situations for which commercial aircraft are prepared to endure and we also tell you data that you probably did not know.
1.-The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ensures that there is no safe seat at the time of a plane crash even though much has been said about middle seats having the lowest death rate . While the studies are true, there are many variables that are not taken into account; The reality is that if an airplane suffers an accident, it is impossible to know who will survive.
2.-On long flights, the crew will have days of up to 16 hours, to help combat fatigue, aircraft such as the Boeing 777 and 787, have small rooms where the crew can rest. They are usually located in compartments on the roof of the plane, they have 6 to 10 rooms, bathroom and sometimes entertainment.
3.-Although they look small, the tires of the aircraft are designed to withstand up to 38 tons and "suffer" blows of up to 170 miles per hour at the time of landing. Additionally, they are inflated with 200 psi, which is about six times more than the tire pressure of the car.
4.-When a plane lands at night, the crew will dim the lights. Why? In case there is a problem and passengers have to leave the ship, it will be much faster if the eyes are already accustomed to the darkness and can better distinguish the emergency exits.
5.-Definitely the idea of ​​an engine starting to fail in the middle of the flight does not sound at all pleasant; however, all commercial flight planes are capable of flying with only one engine. Of course, having half the power influences fuel consumption and will reduce the distance range. Long-haul aircraft such as the Boeing Dreamliner are capable of flying 330 minutes (5 hours and a half) with a single engine,
6.-While the FAA banned smoking inside an airplane for years, it is still a requirement for airplanes to have a space for ashes. This is because there are passengers who do not seem to care about the rule and still decide to smoke, although that will have its sanction, at least it is expected that in case they smoke, throw their ashes in the right place.
7.-Those white lines that we see when we turn to the sky after seeing an airplane pass by are called "stelae". They are due to the engines releasing steam as part of the combustion process; When the hot steam is expelled and joins with the cold air of the atmosphere, those lines are created in the sky.
8.-Just before starting the flight, they give us a brief, but detailed explanation of how oxygen masks should be used in case of depressurization. However, there is something that no member of the crew tells you, the oxygen that comes out of those masks only lasts 15 minutes. True, it does not sound for a long time, although the reality is that it is more than enough. The masks are released when the cabin loses pressure, which means that the plane is losing height, at the time this happens, the pilot will have to reach an altitude of 10,000 feet where passengers can breathe normally. Generally that descent is done in less than 15 minutes.