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Singapore Airlines stops Serving Peanuts

Usually recognized as an airline snack, peanuts are one of the most well-known types of nuts. As airlines compete for market share and customers, lower fare tickets are always more attractive than expensive ones. Peanuts increase the airlines' expenses and mean for higher fares, eventually resulting in lower passenger numbers as they chose to fly on a competing airline. Although premium airline, Singapore Airlines has stopped serving peanuts on its flights, the carrier has not actually stated a reason for doing so.

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Singapore Airlines was asked whether the move was related to an incident that occurred on June 12 last year whereby a 12 year old boy felt an allergic reaction caused by the peanuts that were served on board, however the airline did not respond. Marcus, the 12 year old boy, was on board flight SQ217 from Singapore to Melbourne and was served a nut-free meal, while the other passengers were served peanuts as a snack. On Singapore Airlines' website, it says, "We’ll make every reasonable effort to accommodate your request for a nut-free meal. However, we’re unable to provide a nut-free cabin or guarantee an allergy-free environment on board. It’s not unusual for other passengers on our flights to be served meals and snacks containing nuts or their derivatives. We also have no control over passengers consuming their own snacks or meals on board, which may contain nuts or their derivatives".

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The carrier has stopped serving peanuts as a snack in all classes, including first class, however other types of nuts, including Macadamia nuts, Cashew nuts and Walnuts will continue to be served. A spokesman from Singapore Airlines said, "Cashews, macadamia nuts and walnuts continue to be served in Suites and First Class, while almonds and cashews continue to be served in Business Class and Premium Economy Class". Replacing the peanuts, Singapore Airlines have started serving packets of peas and crackers in Economy class.

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